14 thoughts on “Confirmed: Downgraded Citigold Accounts Still Qualify for a Reduced Annual Fee on Citi Prestige Card

  1. I cancelled my Citigold in fall after doing the AA offer in summer and I have still gotten thanked for being a Citigold customer when I’ve spoken to them. I literally have no banking with them! But I haven’t tried to see if it would score me the $350.


  2. Pro-tip: it has been my experience you can also keep this basic checking account fee free by one bill pay and one ‘direct deposit’ per month. I have had success with a $5 auto transfer from my other bank to Citi, and a $5 bill pay to my electric company. Hope this works for you guys.


  3. […] Confirmed: Downgraded Citigold Accounts Still Qualify for a Reduced Annual Fee on Citi Prestige Card…– I’m glad to finally see a data point regarding this. Good news. […]


  4. When does the annual fee post on this card? I received my prestige card about a week ago and have not seen the AF post yet.


  5. Thanks for this. So when you say you immediately downgraded, does that mean even before the bonus posted?


  6. Good timing on this post. My 50K AA miles are due to post in another 2 weeks. My AF fee for Prestige is coming up in May. I was going to keep the Gold Checking until the AF posted to save a few bucks but I think I’ll try this route.


  7. So if u get the card before u open an account would u still get the reduced 350 dollar fee after you open the account latter on. And just to clarify the fee becomes 450 dollar again if u close the citi gold account?


  8. […] in branch to get the reduced annual fee of $350 vs the standard $450. Zombie Citigold accounts (accounts that were Citigold but now Basic for example) should still work for the reduced annual fee of […]


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