Here is The Points Guy Reddit AMA With The Tough Questions Answered!

Undoubtedly our hobby has gotten a lot more mainstream attention in the past year or so and yesterday there was another major public event as The Points Guy did a Ask Me Anything on Reddit. Here is a graphical summary of how it went:


Yes, it was that bad. Take a look at some of the top questions that were upvoted – Reddit users aren’t stupid. And I’m not the only one who thought this wasn’t a good look for Mr. Kelly – Saverocity and Personal Finance Digest had similar thoughts and I encourage you to read their recaps.

Bankrate Question CSP Question PRG Question

Since The Points Guy gave terrible (and not complete) answers on some questions while not answering some of the tougher ones, I figured I would! As a disclaimer, TPG didn’t actually say the following but that’s only because Bankrate wouldn’t let him. All of the following are actual questions from the AMA with honest answers courtesy of yours truly.

Q. I had heard that your site has been acquired by Bankrate, a company that sells credit cards. How much of the content is directed by them to sell credit cards, rather than help your readers travel?

A. All of it! I mean have you seen a post without a credit card link? How else can I afford to fly in private jets?

Q. Bankrate owns your website? That sounds like a tremendous conflict of interest.

A. Well no. You see I don’t accept free travel or trips so I can give honest reviews on those items. But somehow I have this ability to give honest reviews on credit cards even though I’m heavily (read: million$) compensated from them. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it. P.S. This is why I can’t mention useful things my readers should know such as Chase’s 5/24 rule and the upcoming changes. 

Q. Do you encourage your readers to churn credit card to avoid annual fees, or do you not, because it conflicts with the people paying your bills?

A. I used to talk about churning cards 3-4 years ago but now that I’ve sold out pitch credit cards all day, my bosses at Chase, American Express, Barclaycard, Bank of America (especially these guys), Citibank and US Bank wouldn’t like my talking about that.

Q. How many times have you pumped up a shit card just because you were getting a commission? Edit: Founderscard comes to mind.

A. Did I ever tell you why I love my overpriced FoundersCard? I only need a few of my newbie readers to signup, and mine is free! You can’t beat free!

Q. Do you push the CSP card so often because that’s the one you get the highest commission on?

A. Well, its not quite the highest but it is up there! I mean with double points on travel and dining, the card basically sells it self And covers my next overpriced massage at the Ritz, all thanks to you newbie reader.

Ok the following weren’t part of the AMA but should have been asked anyway.

Q. I always wondered how is it that your readers write their own success stories with your affiliate link already embedded?




Q. Is it true you really named your dog Miles?

A. Yes, Bankrate wouldn’t let me name it JP Morgan Chase.

I hope everyone got a good laugh out of this – I know this brightened my Tuesday morning.

P.S. The Points Guy does appear to have a sense of humor. Damn arrows by bowtie FTW.

TPG Funny


7 thoughts on “Here is The Points Guy Reddit AMA With The Tough Questions Answered!

  1. That’s why I don’t “click” on these Bloggers credit card links anymore. I read the blog and then I go through the Banks “directly” and apply for credit cards..


  2. I wish I’d thought to use the dumpster fire pic. 🙂


  3. […] Centric spoofs The Points Guy and responds to the questions he skipped/evaded/dodged. Hilariously awesome, must read! If you only read TPG you have issues and we all feel sorry for […]


  4. LOL. Classic!


  5. I think my favorite was…Are you gay [serious]?


  6. I wish the other non-affiliate bloggers would really play this up. I think people need to see just exactly how the links work. I’d love for someone to talk about their compensation in more specific terms. When you’re pulling in $8k+/mo from referral links, yes, you can travel like a king all the time.


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